Honesty may be a virtue, but on this game show, it isn't the best policy.
Welcome to Bullshit, a trivia event adapted from the Netflix series Bullsh*t The Gameshow starring Howie Mandel! Contestants on the hot seat aim to answer difficult trivia questions correctly, then explain to a panel of representatives from the other cabins why their answer is correct. And if you don't know the answer? Convince the panel that you know what you're talking about! It'll be up to the panel to decide whether they believe you... or whether they call bullshit!
How It Works
During Pre-Camp, cabins will choose 1 representative to be quizzed on the hot seat and 3 representatives to be on the panels for other cabins' hot seat members. Representatives must list their available times for Monday to make scheduling easier on the Leaders.
- Leaders will quiz each person on the hot seat in a voice call with 3 panel members (one from each opposing cabin). Spectators are allowed, but they must stay muted throughout the entire challenge.
- Hot seat members will have 15 seconds after each question is read to DM their answer to the Leader who is hosting the call. They will immediately receive feedback on whether they were right or wrong.
- Hot seat members will then explain in the call why they think their answer is correct. Keep explanations under 30 seconds to 1 minute long. During this time and up to 10 seconds after the hot seat player is finished explaining, panel members will DM the hosting Leader whether they think the hot seat member is telling the truth or BS.
- Panel members will be asked one by one to explain why they chose to call BS on or believe the hot seat member.
- If the hot seat player answers correctly OR at least one member of the panel believes an incorrect answer, the hot seat player will advance to the next question. The game ends when the hot seat player answers incorrectly with nobody believing them OR when 10 questions have been answered.
- Hot seat players will gain points for the cabin by progressing through each round. Panel members will gain points by accurately guessing whether the hot seat player is telling the truth or lying.
Contest Guidelines
- YOU MAY NOT USE SEARCH ENGINES OR OTHER RESOURCES TO FIND ANSWERS. This applies to both hot seat and panel members. Observers of the event are also prohibited from helping or hindering contestants in any way.
- Once hot seat or panel members DM an answer to the hosting Leader, it is LOCKED IN. You may NOT edit, delete, or resend your message.
- This event is NOT mutually exclusive with the Live Trivia Quiz. Representatives from that event ARE ALLOWED to also be selected for Bullshit - but beware that Bullshit tests a different skillset!
This event ends on Monday at 11:59 PM EDT. DO NOT commit to this event if you cannot enter a Discord call for at least half an hour before this deadline.
Points Breakdown
Hot seat players will gain points for their cabin based on how many rounds they have successfully passed (answering correctly or having at least one panel member believe an incorrect answer). Point values do not stack, so a hot seat player who passes 5 rounds, for example, will net 100 points for their cabin.
1: 20
2: 40
3: 60
4: 80
5: 100
6: 120
7: 140
8: 160
9: 180
10: 200
Meanwhile, panel members will gain points for every accurately guessed answer.
Calling truth and the contestant’s answer being correct: 20 points
Calling bullshit and the contestant’s answer being incorrect: 5 points