Through endless nights of planning, we came up with the genius idea of a rock, paper, scissors tournament. ANYONE CAN JOIN AND ANYONE CAN WIN! Is it bullshit that this is technically RNG? Sure but it also means everyone has an equal chance to win. Not to mention, there are mind games at play that can give you an edge over your opponent.
We will be using this website: You can create a room by clicking "Get Started" on the website. Copy the link and paste it to your opponent to begin a match.
Here's some more blurbs:
This is a single elimination tournament
The way the website works is that the game ends when someone gets to three wins. We'll count this as winning one match. This will be best of 3 rules (So, whoever wins two matches wins the whole set EX: 2-1 or 2-0).
Finals will be a best of 5.
Do not take too long to click your move. You should generally be taking about 10 seconds max per move. You may come to me if you experience your opponent stalling or taking way too long to click. There are no hard limits, but like come on use common sense it's rock paper scissors man lol
Let it be known since Smash Camp is only a week long, you will have to be fairly active each day to consider signing up for this tourney. We donβt want to have to DQ people because they aren't available or whatever, so we just wanna make it clear ONLY sign up if you're sure you can be around for at least an hour or two throughout the day every day.
1st place will be awarded 200 points 2nd place will be awarded 150 points 3rd place will be awarded 100 points 4th place will be awarded 50 points 5th place will be awarded 25 points
tip: use rock every time babyyyyy
Timezone: EST
Availability: MTu 10am-12am W-F 8pm-12am
Timezone: ET
Availability: it's freakin' rock paper scissors but hit me up whenever late in the afternoon for absolutely certainty
Hot Bread
Timezone: UTC-5
Availability: All of it. I'm available for all of it like the whole time. I'm gonna be available the whole time. Like all of the hours
Availability: Afternoons and evenings preferably. Prolly not Thursday or Friday because of ART!
Timezone: EDT
Availability: All week 4pm - 9pm
Timezone: UTC+8:00
Availability: anything goes
Timezone: pst
Availability: For this tournament im available literally always
Timezone: PDT
Availability: any time before 6pm all week.
Timezone: CDT
Availability: Generally afternoons or late night but it depends on the day
Timezone: gmt/bst
Availability: just lmk!
Timezone: GMT
Availability: whenever i'm not with your mother
Timezone: EDT
Availability: M-W 7pm-12am, Th-F 12pm-12am
Timezone: gmt+2
Availability: most times most days
Timezone: CDT
Availability: Changes every day, DM ahead of time to set up times
Timezone: GMT+10
Availability: any time basically
big dan!!
Timezone: PST
Availability: Afternoons most days, evenings are iffy, can do late night most nights if needed
Timezone: EST
Availability: i could be completely busy and i will be there. i could be having a family emergency and i will be there. my house could be burning down and i will be there. rock paper scissors is so fucking important. i will be there.
Availability: i'm sure i can spare like 5 min to do a match so like anytime but where i'm REALLY available is like the evening
Timezone: est
Availability: ask me
Timezone: CST
Availability: Most afternoons or nights
Timezone: CET (GMT+2)
Availability: 7-10 pm local time, +- 1-2 hours if need be
Catball Enthusiast
Timezone: EST
Availability: Any day after 6:00 PM
Timezone: PST
Availability: whenever you are bby xoxoxo uhm but yeah pretty much whenever (may vary for no particular reason)
Timezone: UTC +10 (Melbourne)
Availability: Early mornings / evenings
Timezone: GMT
Availability: im available
Timezone: GMT+2
Availability: Mornings (before 11am) and late evenings (after 8pm).
Timezone: CST
Availability: M/Tu 8am-6pm Otherwise, 9-11 am and maybe after 10 pm
Timezone: EST
Availability: Any time except Monday 2-3, Tuesday 1-2, Wednesday 4-5 and Friday 9-10
Timezone: Gmt -7 mst
Availability: Monday and Wednesday all day, rest of the days after 7pm
Timezone: Central
Availability: After 2:30 on Mon, Fri, Sat, Sun, All day Tues, Wed, Thurs
Timezone: Central Time US, GMT -5 Chicago
Availability: Daytime somewhat flexible, reliably available afternoons except this Thursday
Timezone: CDT (UTC-5)
Availability: Before 3pm or after 11pm most days, except Friday (6/30) which is after 5:30pm
Timezone: GMT (UK)
Availability: 7pm - 12pm
Timezone: GMT+2
Availability: From 10 AM till 8 PM on all days except for Mon-Tue
Timezone: EST
Availability: M to F 7:30pm to 11pm
Timezone: EST
Availability: 6pm-12am
Timezone: CEST
Availability: I'm available after 04.00 PM
Timezone: EST
Availability: As long as I donβt have my baby in my hands I can play this
Timezone: EST
Availability: 4-9pm
Timezone: EST
Availability: Tuse-Wed probably anytime after 1pm and Thurs -Mon probably sometime between 1- 4am possibly 12am depending on what i get home late frm work. probably won't be able before 1pm thurs-mon
Timezone: UTC -4 (EDT)
Availability: Every day except Monday, after 7pm
Timezone: Lelmoo
Availability: FLEX!! mostly before 5pm est if possible. or then at like.. midnight est.
Timezone: CET
Availability: late night, treat me like i'm in american time zones
Timezone: pacific
Availability: just hit me up
Timezone: CST
Availability: Preferably evening but it's rock paper scissors so technically anytime works