Live Trivia Quiz

you already know what it is


  • Each cabin must select up to five representatives to participate.
  • There will be SIX categories for each participant to choose from. The categories are Video Games, Pop Culture and Sports (Celebrity and internet stuff in this case), Humanities (Literature, Geography, History, etc), STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), Music, and Entertainment (Film, Anime, Cartoons, etc)
  • Each participant can only choose ONE category. You cannot double up on categories.
  • 10 questions will be directly related to the category you chose, and the other 10 will be related to the other categories and/or general questions, which will bring us up to 20 questions per quiz.
  • Each participant will have to schedule a time for when they can have their quiz. This quiz will happen in call. You will have about 5 seconds after the question is read out to answer.
  • If you miss your scheduled time, you are given only one more chance to reschedule or find a different representative. Missing the rescheduled time will result in disqualification.


Each person will earn two points for each correct answer. Additionally, the three cabins with the highest cumulative correct answers will earn bonus points.
1st place will be awarded 150 points
2nd place will be awarded 100 points
3rd place will be awarded 50 points

now let's get out there and not nominate a 14 year old as a representative againĀ