Everyone is Mafia

Is it..?

WE BACK BITCH! Everyone is Mafia (also known as Everyone is Mafia Mafia) is an off-shoot/parody of the classic party/forum game known as Mafia. Unlike the classic game, there are only night cycles which are used to submit actions each round. Below, the rules will be explained a bit more in depth along with the changes for this year.


  1. You will sign-up once your counselor has decided which 5 people from your cabin will be participating in the event. Once sign-ups are finalized, you will DM Bossvelt an alias you would like to use.
  2. You will be given a character that has various actions they can perform. Every character will have 10 HP and a basic attack they can use that deals 3 damage (represented as DMG). Your attack will not be listed in your character's actions - just remember that you can attack each night unless an action specifies otherwise. A player dies if their HP reaches 0.
  3. Your objective is to be the last man standing. There would only be a tie if it so happens the night actions on a specific night would lead to everyone's death. You DO NOT have to align with your cabin if you think you can get through the end by other means. Go ahead and scheme as you see fit. You may even collaborate with those outside your cabin if you feel like it. You might be rewarded in other ways if you do.
  1. You will have an alias and a character who has various actions they can perform, as well as an attack. Unless stated specifically, you can use multiple actions each night. For the most part, characters will have 10 HP and their attack will deal 3 DMG. If an action has a number next to it, that indicates the number of times it can be used. This will usually be a (1).
  2. You will DM Bossvelt your actions and who you're attacking each round. You MUST attack each night, unless you perform an action that does not allow you to do so. You will be afforded a one-time idle night that you may use strategically if you wish. If you idle more than once, you will take 1 DMG every night after the first time.
  3. When attacking and targeting people with your actions, you will do so via their aliases and not their username unless stated otherwise.
  4. Each night/round will last at MAX 24 hours. Some rounds might get out quicker if actions are sent earlier or if it seems like the game needs to progress quicker than it already is.
  5. If you survive the night, you will be DM'd and told if you took any damage as well as any other relevant actions that were done to you.
  6. DO NOT screenshot or copy/paste what actions you can perform to others (not including people in your own cabin). Additionally DO NOT screenshot or copy/paste what other players have told you. You can scheme and tell people whatever you want, but put it into your own words instead of copying someone else's.
  7. When players die, they will be crossed off both the player list and the alias list. It will not be specified which player belonged to which alias once they die. All that will be reported is which character an alias had and the actions they were able to perform. Take that as you will.
  8. If you are a dead player or spectator, you cannot assist or talk about the game at all until it is over. We will penalize your cabin if you do so.
  9. You win if you are the last player standing or if there is a night in which all the actions would lead to nobody coming out alive.
In years prior, it's been kept pretty hidden how certain actions interact with each other. This may be changed up in the future, but here is a somewhat ambiguous priority order:
High Priority > Most actions (Blocking > Redirecting > Delaying > Buffing > Protective/Healing > Damaging (Attacks and actions that deal DMG) > Actions taken after damage step
If an action is high priority, it will be mentioned in the action details. Some characters also have passive effects that are independent of this priority order. There are definitely some things that may be handled differently depending on how they directly interact, but this is a pretty alright guideline for how actions will interact with each other.
If there are any questions, you may DM bossvelt. The winner will be awarded 200 points (although this may be changed depending on the circumstances). Additionally, each player will be awarded 5 points for each night they survive.