Cluezle (Day 5)

We will be giving you five things (character, item, place, etc) to guess as a cabin through the use of clues we provide. We will all be creating a thread/forum post in your cabin starting you off with one clue at first. You guys will have to make a collective guess as a team. If you guess wrong, we will provide you an additional hint and will keep going till all five hints have been given. You will be given points based on how many hints it took for you to get the right answer. 

Getting the correct answer on the 1st guess will award 25 points
Getting the correct answer on the 2nd guess will award 20 points
Getting the correct answer on the 3rd guess will award 15 points
Getting the correct answer on the 4th guess will award 10 points
Getting the correct answer on the 5th guess will award 5 points